Event Series Sunday Worship Service

Sunday Worship Service

The Sanctuary 1157 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join All Souls for a gathering of music and meditation at 11:15 am. From world-class music to inspirational messages to community connection, you’ll be glad you came. The service will be both in-person and online! Sunday Preaching Schedule Winter 2025: Sunday 1/12 Rev. Kathleen - A Story Worth Telling Sunday 1/19 Rev. Kathleen - Confronting the […]

Event Series Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour

Reidy Friendship Hall 1157 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Head down to Reidy Friendship Hall after the 11:15 am service for Coffee Hour! Grab a coffee, introduce yourself, and learn more about the All Souls Community! If you'd like to volunteer to help with Coffee Hour and put your hospitality skills to work email Membership & Engagement Coordinator, Gretchen. We would love to have […]

Event Series Newcomers Bagel Brunch

Newcomer Bagel Brunch

Reidy Friendship Hall 1157 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join a group of newcomers and learn about All Soulsfollowing Sunday 11:15 service! Bagels will be provided. Newcomers and visitors welcome! Email Gretchen, Membership & Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Event Series Friendship Circle for Widowed People

Friendship Circle for Widowed People

Minot Simons Room 1157 Lexington Ave., New York, NY, United States

The session for the month of February is on the 16th in the Minot Simons Room. Thank you for your flexibility! If you have lost a partner or spouse and are seeking new friendships, please join lay facilitator Christina Darnowski for our Friendship Circle. We meet monthly on the second Sunday of the month from […]

Event Series Lectio Divina Series

Introduction to Lectio Divina

The Ware Room 1157 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Lectio divina ("divine reading") is a contemplative practice of reading sacred texts. The method involves four successive ways of reading: lectio (read), meditatio (reflect), oratio (respond), contemplatio (rest). In this five-part series (one in-person on Sunday 2/16, and the rest on Wednesday evenings through Zoom), we will practice lectio divina together, drawing on religious and […]

Event Series All Queer Souls Sunday Brunch

All Queer Souls Sunday Brunch

All Queer Souls is a group of LGBTQIA+ members and friends at All Souls. New members are always welcome - on all stages of your journey! Meet new friends and catch up with old ones at a series of off-site AQS brunches. Every third Sunday of the month join AQS at a local restaurant to […]

Event Series Evening Community Meditation

Evening Community Meditation


Join us for short weekday meditations led by All Souls Meditation | Mindfulness | Buddhism Interns Ian and Laura. We hope this will help you get started with meditation or keep going. No meditation experience is required, all are welcome! Sundays at 8 PM Thursdays at 8 PM ZOOM LINK Password: AS

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