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Dedicate a Child

All Souls NYC has one of the most beautiful sanctuaries in New York City and it is available for your child’s dedication. In the Unitarian Universalist tradition, children (who can be of any age) are welcomed into the community with a Child Dedication ceremony. Child Dedications are usually part of a Sunday Service, when the child’s caregivers dedicate themselves to the child’s well-being and the congregation commits to giving its blessing and support to the child and its family. The ceremony last about 10 minutes to accommodate a child’s attention span. Click the button below to read our standard dedication.

Dedication Contact Us

Children of All Ages

Most of our child dedications include the parents, grandparents and godparents as well as other family members, including siblings.  Usually the ceremony is part of our Sunday morning worship service so that the congregation can dedicate itself to supporting the child.  If you prefer, a private dedication can be held in the minister’s office or on another day in the sanctuary.

Questions About Child Dedications?

Our warm and welcoming team at All Souls is happy to help answer any questions that you and your family have about dedicating a child at All Souls NYC.